The demonic influence of the dark forces of evil is real and poses a dangerous threat to our spiritual well-being, especially in politics and political ideologies. The evil spirit can tempt us but usually cannot directly affect us unless we open ourselves to his action. We should not fear Satan, Beelzebub or Lucifer, nor constantly look for him in the ordinary events of our lives. Do not focus on the unclean spirits, but turn your eyes to the subtle web of evil forces slowly taking over the minds of people who are becoming more egoistic, lost, broken, sick, suffering, exploited…
Angels of darkness, fallen angels, as demons are called, are mentioned in all the world’s great religions, including in India, asuras, rakshasas and piśaća. Demons do not exist to balance the Angels of Light, as demonic and satanic ideologies claim. Fallen angels, the demons, are the result of oversight, error, and perversion. Demons are not needed by humanity and are not useful for anything in the Divine Plan of Creation. Demons nest on the peripheries of existence, where there is darkness and gloom of the matter of chaos, which was and is the building block for new worlds of light. Evil does not have to exist and is not needed, although various ideologists of Satanism, black magic or other mental confusion maintain so. There is no covenant between the worlds or spheres of darkness and the Kingdoms of Light.
The far and near ancient East attributed a specific personality to thousands of different mysterious forces, whose presence was seen behind all evil, suffering, tragedy, disease or misfortune that visited man. In the ancient Babylonian religion, there was a very complicated demonology and numerous exorcisms aimed at freeing people, things or places besieged by demons by the forces of darkness. These rites, magical in their essence, were a very important part of natural medicine because every disease was attributed to the action of some evil spirit or demon.
In ancient Persia, the corrupt ruler of demons was called Ahriman, Ariman, Ahraman, Dahak, Ahriman – which from the old Iranian Angra Mainyu means the same as “Evil Spirit”, “Spirit of Destruction”; the Persian Prince of Evil, god of evil and darkness, lies and destruction, evil spells and black magic; the leader of Evil residing in a dark, gloomy and stinking abyss; the prototype of the Christian Satan. According to the holy Prophet Spitam Zarathustra, who was tempted by the demon Ahriman but emerged victorious from this test, it was Ahriman who brought death to the planet Earth, killing the prototype of man and animals. In the religion of the master, in Mazdaism, or old Zoroastrianism, Ahriman is the personification of evil, darkness and lies; in the dualistic concept of this religion, the enemy of Spenta Mainyu (or “the spirit of the Creator”), an emanation of Ahura Mazda – the God of Wisdom. Angra Mainyu wages an eternal battle with him, the goal of which is to destroy the world. To help him, he created an army of demons, daevas (fallen devas), among others – envy, jealousy, hatred, greed, etc., including their planets – the main source of failure and bad fate. In later sources, Angra Mainyu’s opponent is Ahura Mazda himself. However, Angra Mainyu has no creative power, and at the end of the history of the struggle between good and evil, he will suffer a final defeat, similar to his counterpart, the Christian Satan.
Demons or daemons are completely evil creatures, dark and fallen spirits fallen into darkness, whose only goal is to arouse fear and dread in mortals, which is done using terror, occupation and exploitation. Almost all known demons are members of the Burning Legion, a group of fiery evil beings of great power which roam the universe and delight in destroying planets and civilizations, as they did with Atlantis or the planet Phaeton, after which only the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter remained. In Islamic mysticism, the Burning Legion is simply called the Jinns, evil spirits originally created from Fire. All demons are evil, although they can pretend to be good and light beings when they need to. Most of the current demons were once mortal beings found in worlds conquered by the Burning Legion, i.e. by the Sons of God and Nephilim (Giants) known from the Bible, and then transformed into demonic beings of a dark nature. This change involves the acquisition of powerful dark allies and considerable arcane energy, the so-called black ray. They control it through the power of their will, much as the wizards and sorcerers who descend from them do.
The Old Testament, the Jewish part of the Bible, never rejected the existence and activity of such evil entities. It used folklore, which populated all ruins and abandoned places with the presence of various monsters, mixed with wild animals: hairy satyrs (Is. 13:21; 34:13, LXX), Lilith, the demon of the night (Is. 34:14). Cursed places, such as Babylon (Is. 13) or the land of Edom (Is. 34, LXX), are given over to their mercy. The rite of expiation recommends giving the demon Azazel a goat burdened with the sins of the entire people of Israel (Lev. 16:10). The presence of evil spirits that tormented him was also felt around a sick person.
In the biblical Book of Tobit, it is already known that it is demons that torment man (Tob. 6:8), and the mission of angels is to combat demons (Tob. 8:3). However, to present the worst of them, the one who kills, the author still refers without hesitation to Persian folklore and gives this demon the name of the Ancient Serpent or Dragon – Lizard, Asmodeus (Tob. 3:8; 6:14). Asmodaim are degenerate Lizards, who led to the fall of the paradise man under the tree of knowledge of good and evil. From this, it can be seen that the Old Testament, while firmly supporting the existence and activity of both evil spirits and angels for a long time, presents an idea quite vague regarding their nature and relationship to Elohim God. The truth is, however, that the Old Testament was for all people, and detailed esoteric knowledge about angels and demons (Asmodeuses) only for the initiated, so it is no wonder that the Bible does not contain the mystical Enochian Secret Knowledge, exorcisms given by the Prophet Enoch (called Hermes Trismegistos or Hermes Thrice Great).
The Holy Scriptures, including the Bible and the Gospel, do not say much about demons, the forces of evil, or the darkness and gloom to which people and the entire planet Earth are subject. The origin of evil is a mystery to many spiritual seekers. How do we reconcile the rule of the good, loving and all-powerful Elohim God YHWH with wars, extermination camps, famine, disease, and rampant evil? The word Satan, Hebrew Ha-Satan, means “accuser” in Hebrew. The Bible repeatedly presents him in this role as a clever schemer, a false accuser, and a spreader of lying gossip (Zech. 3:1-2; Hib. 1-2; Ap. 12:10).
The biblical Satan, Shaitan from the Koran, mentioned in the Gospel is a particularly personal enemy and tempter and tormentor of Jesus Christ, just as in the Old Testament of the Bible towards the prophets, it was usually Lucifer – a Demon pretending to be an angel of light, and towards the Eastern Buddha the demon Maya-Asura, literally the Deceiver, the Trickster, the Maya. It is interesting how few so-called Buddhists today have any idea about the fight of their master Śri Gautama Buddha with the demon tempter called Maya-Asura…
Satan will receive the punishment due to the harmful and false accuser, the slanderer, the calumniator and the deceiver. What he incited and accused will fall on his head. So it was with the record of confessed sins that the high priest carried out of the temple and placed on the head of the goat for Azazel. The share of the goat for Azazel was death in a desolate and desert place, which the Septuagint and the biblical New Testament render by the word abyssos (Rev. 20:1-10). In the Apocalypse or Revelation of John, it means the place of Satan’s exile before he is destroyed in the lake of fire, called Gehenna (Mt. 25:41; Rev. 20:14-15).
The world of ungodly people was constantly tempted to win over evil spirits by offering them sacrificial worship, or in short, by recognizing them as deities, which demons are not and never will be. Israel was not immune to this temptation either, and by abandoning its Creator, YHWH Elohim, it also turned to “other gods” (Deut. 13:3, 7, 14), or in other words, to demons (32:17), going so far as to offer them human sacrifices (Ps. 106:37). It played the harlot with satyrs (Deut. 17:7), who haunted their high and forbidden places (2 Chr. 11:15). The Bible is not originally directed against true deities or angels, but against demons, evil spirits who were mistakenly considered deities through the practice of sorcery, black magic, and confusion of reason. The term “other gods” is synonymous with demons and forces of evil, not the words for Elohim God in other religions or languages. Elohim is also Allah and Brahman!
He who kills, steals, and destroys (John 10:10) has made the Earth his dominion. Treblinka, Hiroshima, Waco, Oklahoma City, and mass graves in Rwanda and Bosnia are evidence of his existence. Personal evil is becoming increasingly difficult to deny. The Bible says of Satan: “You were the image of perfection, full of wisdom, and beautiful beyond compare; you were perfect in your ways from the day you were created until iniquity was found in you” (Ezek. 28:12, 15). In ancient Jewish literature, Azazel is a sinister being, a demon who brought weapons of war to humanity; “he taught the inhabitants of the earth all kinds of wickedness”; an evil spirit who tempts the righteous.
Who was Azazel? In Hebrew, this word meant, among other things, a demonic being, a desert place of destruction and death, and also conveyed the idea of removal or elimination. Most biblical scholars believe that Azazel is an epithet of a demonic being. Azazel would, therefore, be the opponent of the Messiah, which is why, in the Day of Atonement ceremonies, the goat for Azazel is contrasted with the goat for God Elohim YHWH, who represented Christ. The word Azazel etymologically comes from the Hebrew “zz-l”, which means a sinister and unrestrained demon, as the Bible presents Satan (2 Cor. 4:4). The name Zazal appears in ancient Jewish writings as a personification of evil, impurity, and deception.
The Jewish writings say Azazel was in the Garden of Eden as the serpent who deceived Adam and Eve (10), and “the teachings and works of Azazel corrupted the whole earth, and the guilt of all sins rested on him.” The fetters in which Azazel will be bound are mentioned, after which he will be thrown with his demons into the lake of fire. Azazel will be “bound in the desert pit on the day of the great judgment” when he “will be cast into the fire.” He will suffer the same fate as the rulers of the Earth and the mighty, who will be thrown into “the deep valley of burning fire.” In the same way, the Apocalypse presents the fate of the devil during the millennium, as being chained and left on desolate Earth (Rev. 20:1-3, 10) and then thrown into the lake of fire along with those he had deceived (Rev. 20:10-15).
In the Gospels, the followers of the devil are shown as goats. In contrast, the followers of Christ the Messiah are shown as sheep (Mt. 25:32). Interestingly, in a similar way to this parable of Jesus, people on the day of judgment are shown in ancient Jewish literature: on one side the righteous, and the other the unrighteous; the unrighteous are shown as goat-like “people of Azazel”. Many ancient cultures identify the goat with the devil, e.g. satyr, faun or the Greek god Pan. The horned head of a goat – often against the background of an inverted pentagram – is still a symbol of Satan himself in witchcraft and Satanism. The Book of Leviticus also indicates the connection of the goat with demons. In the next chapter, after the description of the Day of Atonement, there is a warning against “adultery with demons” (offering them sacrifices), in which goats are a euphemism for demons (Lev. 17:7).
The Bible often associates waterless places with demons, to which this goat was led (Isa. 13:21-22; 31:11-15; Mt. 12:43). Waterless places are deserts, but also all other places where there are no wells, no water to drink, and a person dries up from thirst. That is why the mystics of Islam, the Sufi saints, considered deserts to be the habitation of jinn and all evil spirits. In total, we have three important hellish names of demons, the devilish Trinity: Satan, Lucifer and Azazel, which are mentioned in the Bible. In opposition to those known by the name shedaim, shedas (devils), we have Elohim of God, i.e. YHWH and angels of God: Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, and above all, the Holy Prophets such as Abraham, Moses and Jesus. Elohim God created a perfect angel, devoid of evil tendencies, but possessing, like all beings created by Elohim God, the ability to choose good or evil (Ez. 28:15). He was given the name Son of the Morning (Latin Lucifer) and because of his beautiful appearance and great intelligence he enjoyed great respect among the angels (Ez. 28:12). Lucifer held the highest position in heaven, second only to Elohim God YHWH (Ez. 28:14). Over time, this inspired him to vanity and instead of directing the adoration of others to the Creator, he desired adoration for himself. In the Bible, all fallen angels are called Sons of God, including Jesus…
As a created being, Lucifer could not be initiated into all the plans of Elohim God, just like any other Son of God. Pride did not allow him to accept this state of affairs (Is. 14:13-14). He considered himself worthy of a higher position than the Messiah-Christ. From then on, he began using the intelligence from Elohim God YHWH to sow discontent in heaven against the divine order revealed in His Law. He desired a new order for himself and his angels, and by hiding his true motives under the guise of concern for the rights of the angels of heaven, he managed to pull as much as a third of them to his dark side (Rev. 12:4.9). Satan could have stopped rebelling and returned to the bosom of the Father of Heaven, but pride did not allow him to humble himself before Him or to recognize the authority of the Son of God faithful to God, who was the Messiah. He chose open rebellion.
According to Jewish and Christian mysticism, the Kingdom of Darkness is united under the leadership of Lucifer and well organized (Mk. 3:24; Mt. 9:34; Lk. 11:15). The apostle Paul refers to this when writing about principalities, rulers of darkness, and evil spirits (Eph. 6:12). These words suggest a hierarchy of ruling demons, although they do not allow for a strict division of the spheres of influence of the forces of evil. However, we can conventionally divide demonic activity into three basic spheres of influence:
Personal level – occupied by unclean spirits (Greek: tapneumatika tes poneria) causing or strengthening hatred, anger, fear, phobias, resentment, sinful thoughts and behaviours in people.
Occult, secret level – controlled by dark powers (Greek dynamis), which operate through non-spiritual ideologies (e.g. fascism, Discordianism, Rydzykism, opusdeism, Vaticanism, Catholicism, Stalinism, Polpotism) and various forms of dark occultism (e.g. Satanism, sorcery, black magic).
Cosmic level – covered by the action of demons with power over entire geopolitical areas of the planet (Greek archai – princes, kosmokratoras – rulers, cosmic lords or creators and exousia – authorities), which try to control institutions, organizations, governments, cities, and even entire nations and regions, and what is more, even the Solar System and Galaxy. Original names of countries and towns often show the type of negative force with which evil spirits can influence regions and countries.
On the first level (personal), evil spirits operate, which take on the functional names of sins, e.g. lust, fear and phobia, rape, anger and wrath, unforgiveness, harm, violence, falsehood and lie. By cherishing some sin, a person invites and builds a bridgehead for the spirit, which then exploits his weaknesses through temptations and opens him to the influence of other demons. The second level is associated with ideological concepts rooted in the Kingdom of Darkness in Darkland. The biographies of such various evil men as Emperor Constantine, Inquisitor Thomas Torquemada, Pope Alexander Borgia, Pope Pius X or Pope Pius XII, Adolf Hitler, Josemaria Escriva, Joseph Stalin, Francisco Franco, Nicolae Ceausescu, Idi Amin, Augusto Pinochet, Ronald Reagan or John Paul II suggest the presence of the evil spirit of false ideology or false religiosity.
The third part of the influence concerns the territorial level, called cosmic, which, according to the mystics, is illustrated in the Bible by, among others, the ruler of Tyre (Ezek. 28:12-16) or Babylon (Is. 14:12-14), the “angelic prince of Persia” or the “prince of Greece” (Dan. 10:12-13). Unfortunately, the Bible itself does not contain much knowledge about the operation of the demonic forces of evil but only focuses on sins, punishments for sins and, how to strive for holiness, how to cleanse oneself and free oneself from sins.
The Israelites believed that certain angels controlled regions of the world or nations. The Septuagint, an ancient Greek translation of the Old Testament, renders the text from the Pentateuch of Moses as follows: “[God] set the boundaries of men according to the number of his angels” (Deut. 32:8). Biblical scholar F. F. Bruce wrote in his book The Epistle to the Hebrews: “This text indicates that the administration of the nations was divided among the corresponding number of angelic powers.” Just as angels of God can influence a territory and its authorities, demons or fallen angels can also influence entire states and their political authorities if they are susceptible to sin and evil influence. Only holy leaders of states could resist the demonic influence of the princes of darkness, hence so much evil was done in the name of the law by rulers, by political and judicial authorities.
Territory and state were associated with influence in the Bible because they were subject to spiritual authorities, including demons or evil fallen angels. The Canaanite demon god Baal was a thorn in the side of the Israelites because they were drawn into his dark cult. He had many places named after him, e.g., Baal-Peor, Baal-Gad, Baal-Hermon. Their etymology indicates that Baal was considered the Lord of these places. It was believed that the abundance of crops and prosperity depended on him. People tried to gain his favour with sacrifices and rituals, knowing that he was a bloodthirsty and murderous demon shed, not a deity belonging to the forces of Light.
The Bible, apart from Baal (Num. 22:41), mentions by name, among others, such authorities as Dagon (Judg. 16:23), Moloch (Lev. 20:2), Beelzebub (Lk. 11:15), Python (Acts 16:16), Astarte – the guardian and ruler of the spirits of death called the Queen of Heaven, i.e. later Mary (Jer. 44:17-25; Acts 19:27-35). Some had great influence over large territories for long periods. Beelzebub (Hebrew Ba’al Zebûb or Ba’al Zəvûv) is commonly known as the ruler of flies, mosquitoes and all insects. Flies, mosquitoes, locusts, ants, ticks and insects in general fall as plagues in the old stories about those who are under the power or curse of the archdemon Beelzebub, the prince of the dark underworld and black waters.
The Book of Daniel tells us that the demonic prince, to whom Persia was subject, had such power in his territory that he delayed the answer to Daniel’s prayer for three weeks. He was overcome only by the intervention of the divine archangel Michael, who intervened as a result of the prophet Daniel’s fasting (Dan. 10). This shows that territorial demonic authorities have enormous power and that prayer, fasting, ritual, and thorough purity of conscience can very effectively bind their dark activities.
It is difficult to understand the Bible without knowing anything about such dark yet spiritual because of invisible, demonic authorities. Elohim God is shown in the Old Testament as jealous of people who worshipped these demonic idols, calling it spiritual “fornication” (Judg. 8:33; 1 Kings 15:12; Ezek. 20:30), but without questioning their existence. The Bible treats them as existing living beings, not just archetypes, energies or symbols of evil forces, as is wrongly done in psychology. The Greeks and Romans shared this belief. Plato, for example, considered the demon (Greek daimon) to be the city’s patron or a kind of dark angel guarding man.
According to the belief of later Judaism, the world of demons, the rulers of darkness, is organized more systematically. Demons are considered fallen angels, accomplices of Satan’s sin and his current assistants, such as Beelzebub – a former angelic cherub. To present their fall, writers from the era of late Judaism refer either to the mythical image of the war of the stars (cf. Is 14:12) or to the story of the primordial war of Yahweh (YHWH) with the beasts, who are personified as the sea, or finally they take over the old tradition of the Book of Jubilees and Enoch concerning the Sons of God who came to Earth to help humanity, but who were inflamed with love for mortal women (Gen 6:1 ff; cf. 2 Pet 2:4), or they simply present demons as rebels blaspheming Elohim God (cf. Is 14:13 ff; Ez 28:2).
Whatever the case, demons, shedim, are considered unclean beings, distinguished by pride and debauchery. They torment people and try to draw them into every evil and wicked act. To combat them, man resorts to exorcisms (Tob 6:8; 8:2ff; cf. Mt 12:27), which, however, no longer have the character of powerful and effective divine magic as they once did in Babylon but are only a form of supplicatory prayer: it is hoped that Elohim God YHWH himself will subdue Satan and his followers if man appeals to the power of His name (Zech 3:2; Jude 9). It is also known that the Archangel Michael (Michael) and his heavenly armies wage a constant battle against demons and come to man’s aid (cf. Dan 10:13). The lack of white magic in the practices of late Judaism and later in Christianity, unfortunately, led to the demons corrupting Judaism and almost all of Christianity, and later Islam, with their prostitution and lust for crime.
The ancients were often poor and fearful pragmatists. They sacrificed to both idols and demons because they knew that by doing so, they influenced the invisible sphere and, through it, their own miserable reality. The results of a certain war between Israel and Moab evidence the effectiveness of these sacrifices. The Israelites prevailed in the battle until the king of Moab offered his son, and at the same time heir to the throne, to Chemosh, the demonic god of that state. This blood sacrifice strengthened Chemosh’s supremacy in the area so much that the Israelite troops had to flee:
“When the king of Moab saw that he must be defeated in the battle, he gathered seven hundred men who could still fight to go over to the king of Edom, but they could not. Then he took his firstborn son, who was to reign in his place and offered him as a burnt offering on the wall. So there was a great outcry against the Israelites so that they had to rebel against him and return to their land.” (2 Kings 3:26-27) Rituals of human blood sacrifice or blood pacts are still practised today as a kind of pact with Satan and the evil beings we call demons.
A similar procedure was followed in Jericho to break Joshua’s curse. (Josh. 6:26; 1 Kings 16:34). Sacrifices offered to dark gods were sacrifices offered to demons (1 Cor. 10:20). In exchange for worshipping them, evil spirits have always granted their patronage by taking people to the evil, dark and gloomy side of the enemies of Light and Love. In this way, pacts with demons were created, with dark forces behind which demonic authorities were hidden. Religions are human ways of seeking God; pure and uncorrupted religion is God’s way of seeking man. There are many religions, but only one Way of Heaven.
The oldest pacts with demons known from history were made in the Middle East. Is it a coincidence that most people who have not yet heard the Gospel or the Vedas live there? The belt between 10 and 40 degrees north of the equator, including Africa and the Near and Far East, is called (due to its shape) the “10/40 Window” by missiologists of religion. The exception is northern and central India, where the more unspiritual region reaches Sri Lanka and the Maldives. Unspiritual regions are inhabited by as many as 80% of the poorest people in the world and as many as 97% of those who have not yet heard the Gospel, the Vedas, or any authentic spiritual teachings. Is it just a coincidence that it is the cradle of the largest non-religious systems of demonism?
South India and the entire Sri Lanka in this belt are regions that still strongly follow the teachings of the very evil demon Ravana, the one who kidnapped Princess Sita, the virtuous wife of the holy king Rama, to rape her. The Maldives islands are in the original Maldivas, literally “Evil Deities” or “False Divinity”, a land where demons and evil spirits live. The Maldives are the mountain peaks of the former Great Lanka protruding from the sea, submerged in the former great war of the forces of darkness against the Forces of Light. The demon Ravana was the enemy of the Enlightened King Rama and his family and subjects. However, the demon Ravana was finally defeated, and his dark empire of evil built on Earth was destroyed during the great flood. Today, only the peaks of the ancient Sri Lankan mountains protrude from the ocean.
The Bible says: “The weapons of our warfare are not of flesh, but are mighty of tearing down the strongholds for the Elohim God. We defeat hidden devices and every pride that rises against the knowledge of the Elohim God” (2 Cor. 10:3-5). The divine name YHWH is well-known in the Vedic scriptures, such as the Rig Veda. In Sanskrit, the language of the Gods of Light, this name is written as YAHVAH and is used to remove the forces of evil. It is, therefore, known not only from the Hebrew Bible or the books of the Torah. This shows the universality of the Name of God used to drive out gloomy, dark, evil and slanderous forces against the divine.
The word “loftiness” (Greek hypsoma) means “high place”. It refers to demonic principalities by alluding to pride and to places on heights, hills, mounds and mountaintops where sacrifices were made to them, strengthening their power and control over a given area. The most powerful were blood sacrifices, especially of humans and infants. The closer the sacrificed animal was to man, the darker spiritual power it carried; the most was the human sacrifice, especially of the firstborn, and even more of the heir to the throne. God did not allow human sacrifices. According to Christians, however, He made the greatest sacrifice in His fallen Son (John 3:16). Theoretically, it released so much power that whoever undertook it as the Son of God fallen from heaven to Earth received salvation and the power to resist the devil, demons and sins. This was the case in the beginning, and it ended in the time of Constantine when Christianity was taken over by the demons of the Roman Empire and brought to a complete moral collapse through murder and fornication. The idea of the physical sacrifice of Jesus as the Son of God, or Nephilim, an angel fallen in the past, has been completely twisted. Through his sacrifice, Jesus achieved salvation from his sin of the fall, but in order, for other such Sons of God to achieve salvation, they must also follow in Jesus’ footsteps and undertake the process of self-sacrifice, which the second after Jesus, the apostle Peter, did. Of course, not everyone rises from the dead immediately because the Sons of God are of different ranks and have different degrees of sin or depravity.
The anti-spiritual practices of selfish people allow Satan or Lucifer to influence their lives and the fate of the area they inhabit. Rituals and sacrifices offered to beings other than Prophets and Saints such as Rama, Krishna, Zoroaster, Abraham, Moses, Jesus Christ, or the Messiah strengthen the dark authority of the evil kingdom of darkness. On the other hand, prayer, fasting, and offering oneself as a sacrifice to Elohim God extend the reign of the Master and Father Creator, i.e. Elohim God YHWH. Christianity today comes down to the Person who is Christ, but most of the Bible and Jesus recommends worshipping only God the Father, Elohim YHWH, i.e. YAHWAH, YAHWEH.
Occultism, i.e. Divine Secret Knowledge, Mysticism, Gnosis, Esotericism and most religions abound in divine sacrifices, oaths and rituals. Their task is to bind man with the spiritual powers of Elohim God YHWH, adding power to the Kingdom of Light. As is known, the word “religion” comes from the Latin religere – “to bind”. All religions revealed to humanity by God, including biblical Christianity, are based on the word DO, being a series of acts of faith that lead to salvation.
False religions, such as Catholicism, founded by Emperor Constantine, actually bind people to spirits of false religiosity, to demons such as the demon Vaticanus worshipped for hundreds of years by daily burnt offerings of virgins in a terrible fire. Biblical Christianity is reduced to the person of Jesus Christ and is based on the word DONE because God made Jesus on Calvary just a one-time sacrifice to wipe out the sins of Jesus from Israel at that time. Therefore, we must do everything necessary for our salvation. Sacrificing oneself is a well-known practice of spiritual purification in India and Tibet, understood as a sacrificial spiritual service, seva.
Satanism and witchcraft are much more popular today than they were twenty or more years ago. Satanic music, Satanic street gangs, Discordianism, Darkland, sexual orgies combined with ritual violence, Luciferism and Luciferian lodges, and witchcraft for sex, wealth and power are becoming very popular; the number of Satan worshippers is growing; reading about witchcraft and studying black magic has become more widespread, and Satanic games that anyone can buy and test have become fashionable. What’s more, many people do not take witchcraft seriously. They mock the views of the power of evil, which is integrated into the real world in which we live.
The forces of darkness and gloom inspire a person involved in black magic. Through black magic, some can receive what they want and often only later do the consequences reveal the true nature of black magic, otherwise known as witchcraft. Such a person can have sick children, their animals can suddenly fall ill with dangerous viruses, and suddenly, they encounter numerous misfortunes. Let us remember that even our descendants will be punished for their connections with black magic taught by demons. And demons, with the help of their black energy of darkness, darken human minds and fuel all tendencies towards wickedness, and even create them where they did not exist…
Black is the colour of night, darkness, mourning and sadness. Black in magic and occultism symbolizes what is dark, unknown, and not fully understood – for example, the subconscious. Black is the colour of fertile Earth (black Earth) or the darkness of the night, which we need during sleep for a healthy life. However, darkness or gloom in the form of subtle, demonic matter envelops consciousness, causing lethargy of the mind, and black in the human aura always means illness, a sick place or an organ. In Tarot and divination, black symbolizes the forces of darkness, under the influence of which a person wanders and enters the path of evil. This is the meaning of the black background on the Devil tarot card. Black here means evil, pain, wickedness and suffering, symbolising the depths of hell, darkness and damnation awaiting those who do evil. Black coffins on the Judgment card have a similar meaning. In this case, black symbolizes bad habits and the powerlessness in which a person is stuck.
No one will deny that there is a demonic division in Christianity today into thousands of parareligious denominations, but the most important dividing line is not between Catholics and Protestants or Orthodox but between those who believe that salvation is from the Elohim of God YHWH and practice it and those who neither believe in the Elohim of God nor listen to the teachings of Jesus Christ as Prophet and Messiah about the authority of the Father in Heaven.
Jesus Christ taught how to free oneself from Satan and his demons by showing in practice how to fulfil the Second Commandment of the Decalogue of Moses contained in the Bible. Jesus Christ refers to this commandment during temptation: “Then said Jesus to him, Away from me, Satan! For it is written, you shall worship your God, YHWH Elohim, and him only shall you serve” (Mt 4:10; cf. Deut 6:13). Only the Lord God (YHWH Elohim) deserves all honour, glory, and worship. All who are faithful to God according to the teaching of the Gospel and the Bible bow to Elohim God YHWH! And so-called Christians not only rarely know the name of God from the Bible – Elohim YHWH, but they also practically do not know practices such as bowing to Elohim God after the example of Jesus Christ. Bowing has been partially preserved only in some branches of Orthodoxy, i.e. in the so-called Eastern Church.
And here is the second commandment of God: “You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or a beautiful likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the Earth beneath, or that is in the water under the Earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I, the Lord (YHWH), your God (Elohim), am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to the thousandth generation of those who love me and keep my commandments” (Ex 20:4-6).
“We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in high places.” – Ephesians 6:12. The second commandment of the biblical Decalogue shows that the effects of evil last much shorter in generations than the effects of good, so the demonic influence of evil forces on humanity must be enormous since there is so much suffering, pain and wickedness. Here is how to learn the subtleties that cannot be seen with the naked eye, such as the influence of darkness on people. Demons feed on life energy, hence blood is present in summoning or pacts with demons, which as we know has energy in it, but only for a certain time because then it evaporates from it, and the demon needs an invitation. A mental attack is one thing, and another is the entrance into someone’s body by a demon. Weak, susceptible people often invite demons unknowingly; people with a stronger psyche who can put up shields and mental walls and are also not an easy morsel for “vampires” are a more difficult task for the demon, because he must obtain an invitation. Entering into battle with him means defeat because of how long you will be able to fight, but strong people often also have one drawback: the nature of a rebel and overconfidence; they allow themselves to be provoked, and this is where their defeat comes. A similar defeat is all people who think that demons do not exist, and if they do, they are only energies or archetypes in the mind or unconsciousness.
Those people who are calm by nature have other weak points, and the demon will look for them and use them to get into their consciousness. The more we think about him, the closer it will be to taking possession over us, but you have to know how to defend yourself against the forces of evil and wicked people serving demons. Demon attacks are to gain food because demons feed on emotions. This is good for vampires who like blood and energy, but some demons are stronger entities and need life energy, prana (qi, chi, ki, mana) in its pure form, leading to various states that often end in suicide or murder, mutilation, drug addiction, tattoos and other forms of acts during which there is a large release of life energy into the aether, which will feed them because they will quickly capture it all. The simplest form of defence here is to avoid the demon because you do not enter the lion’s jaws.
People who mutilate themselves, people who shed their blood, murderers, butchers, hunters, and soldiers at war – all of them help to feed demons to some extent. Therefore, the blood of others, both human and animal, should be shed as rarely as possible. The ban on consuming blood and blood products is one of the special prohibitions that free people from vampiric demons because, in their essence, all demons are vampires, parasites, but some are more primitive, and some are more subtle.
Some demons feed on the energy from shed or just shed blood, living near slaughterhouses or places of execution and murder, while others feed more willingly on the suffering and torment of others. Some demons feed on the energy of the suffering of children or women. Catholic demons, for example, draw their life force from the suffering of children sexually abused in parishes and sacristies and others from the humiliation and harming of women. Such are the diets of demons, and a rectory or sacristy defiled by wicked sex with children casts a black shadow over the entire church and parish, which become the seat of the Lords of Darkness and Gloom and all evil. Buddha, teaching the path of liberation from suffering, deprived the entire class of demons of food and no absorption of the energy of pain and suffering of millions of people. For centuries, the demons of the Vatican have also liked the energy of suffering of women burned alive in the flames of fire.
When the light of a living soul fades, the Angels of Darkness, or demons, begin to rule in our lives and begin the fight for our soul, the fight for our Self (Atman). There have always been forces of Good and Evil in human life. The Good force protects us, while the Evil force sometimes subjects us to difficult trials and temptations, prompting us to reject the Light and Good. And when at the end of life the Light prevails over the darkness, the soul of man departs for the light, but if the Dark prevails, the soul is thrown into the abyss, wandering to even lower worlds than this earthly vale. Every minute of life, a battle between good and evil is waged within us. Man has some free will and decides for himself which forces will prevail.
You can use insults and curses, act under the influence of hatred, the desire for revenge, the desire for money, out of a desire for comfort, suffering or laziness. When you are overcome by rage, fear, and a sense of guilt, or you are a haughty and arrogant person, know that the fallen demons of Darkness are close to you. The fallen Angels of Darkness feed on these low emotional states when you lie, cheat, or betray. When you gossip or show stinginess or are overcome by carnal lust, then the low vibrations of these thoughts or actions summon the fallen Angels of Darkness. The Angels of Darkness are just waiting for such low motives to capture a person in their dark nets.
The Fallen Angels of Darkness intimidate people, blind them, play with human emotions and feed on human imperfection and human energy. When you feel a sudden loss of energy or pressure in the area of the stomach or spleen, or negative feelings or thoughts overcome you, you may think that the Fallen Angels of Darkness have begun their action and exertion of influence. And it does not matter whether you want it or not; they are close and enjoy your stumbles. You can also feel the forces of darkness with your senses: for example, you suddenly feel the stench of sewage, garbage or manure. You will hear strange sounds and false tones. You will also feel the aversion of spiritual masters from the East. You may see a dark field or darkness before your eyes for a moment and gain aversion or resentment towards God or the Master of Light.
When you have such dark feelings, Save yourself! Stop for a moment in your action, call upon the Light of God, surround yourself with the Light, ask your Guardian Angel for help, and call upon the help of other Angels and Archangels because the Angels of Darkness cannot stand the Light, the presence of Elohim God, the Enlightened Spiritual Masters, the Guru and mercy. Pray with a sincere heart and the protective energy of Angels and Archangels, Masters and Saints of the Living God will surround you.
Fasting on water and prayers and meditations for liberation from the forces of evil and demons are reliable means against the influence of demons and devilish temptations – means known in all the great religions revealed by God, although with time also distorted by demonic beings corrupting and disintegrating on Earth everything that leads to the Light and Enlightenment, to Salvation, to Liberation, to the Kingdom of God. According to the Bible, a person who is or wants to be a perfect image of Elohim God must feed on food given by Elohim God, which are grains and fruits of trees, honey from bees and milk from animals such as sheep and goats or cows.
From the many anti-demonic meditations and contemplations, all meditations with Light, in Light and through Light should be recommended. From the contemplation of the rays of light of dawn and the rising sun to deep visualizations of the Light of God flowing from the figures of Angels of God, Messiah, Prophets, Avatars or authentic Saints of God. It should be remembered that demons, forces of darkness and gloom, are enemies of the meditation of Light and of meditation in general.
The demonic part of humanity likes the dark food which consists of meat and blood, but unfortunately, they cause destructive mutations in the genetic code and serve mainly to create new generations of demon and vampire people, also commonly called demons of war, wickedness and crime. The repair of a person consists of returning to the paradise way of eating, which is generally a plant food based on grains and fruits with the addition of honey and milk. In India, such a diet is called the yogi’s diet, and it serves to repair a person so that he builds a body (kaya) in which it will be possible to move towards perfection and, finally, Enlightenment and Salvation. This diet will rebuild the genetically damaged body of a person, but on condition that the regenerating person will follow the path of spiritual development outlined by God and His heavenly messengers called by religions given to humanity avadhutas, inspired ones, saints, prophets, masters or avatars.
When a person begins to pray despite human distractions and – using the language of the Desert Fathers – the temptations of demons, they hinder him in his call to Elohim, God or Brahman. “Whenever the demons know that you are ready to pray with real zeal, they suggest various supposedly necessary things to you and remind you of them now and then, moving the mind to seek them out. When the mind stands up for prayer, they call to mind those things sought and mentioned, so it may lose fruitful prayer, distracted by the desire to know them.” How true are these words of Evagrius? They are also true in relation to meditation, contemplation or the recitation of mantrams.
We find confirmation of the wisdom of Abba Agathon in Evagrius Ponticus: “The struggle between unclean spirits is about nothing else but spiritual prayer. For these spirits, it is very hostile and burdensome, but for us, it is salutary and refreshing.” When we stop sincere spiritual prayer and contemplation, everything in our spiritual life stops and gradually falls. Spiritual life does not exist without prayer and meditation, without mantras. The crisis of spiritual search, faith, path, priesthood, and monastic or family life often has its source in the neglect of prayer and contemplation and in the neglect of exorcisms that remove evil spirits from the area.
Demons, or evil spirits, fallen angels, tempt people in prayer or meditation, with particular delight in calling to mind in human imagination and memory “the figure of the one who wronged them”. He has the power to direct against a person everything that in his life has not yet been entrusted to Elohim God and what we have kept for ourselves, both our successes and victories, as well as defeats or falls. Difficult experiences of the past hinder practitioners in prayer only when they have not yet completely entrusted them to Elohim God, YHWH, or Brahman – according to the teachings of the East.
This is confirmed by the life experience of practitioners – a particular obstacle during prayer or meditation is the still unhealed sense of wrong, old pain and suffering. It is revealed in the “image of the wrongdoer” recalled. The sense of wrong can be a real poison of every spiritual life, contemplation and prayer. And it is not only about great wrongs suffered during childhood or adolescence. More often, it is about seemingly small misunderstandings and the feeling of being used or manipulated, about minor blows or wrongs. We often have the impression that someone is abusing our patience, kindness, effort, time, and hospitality. When such minor situations are repeated often, then the demon of hurt, harm and the desire for revenge easily takes up residence in a person.
Many people who have not had experiences with invisible evil, even in the form of a nightmare, do not believe in the existence of demons, and those whose nightmare dreams have tormented them tend to agree with the thesis that so-called attacks by demons or devils, gentlemen or ladies in black, are just dream visions that are very tiring and realistic dreams. Some dreams are strongly experienced while awake, for example, in people who sleep too little, work too much and are simply overworked. This does not diminish the horror experienced, especially since there is no clear boundary between sleep and reality in mystical experience. It is worse when, after such dreams, we have bruises or cuts, bites or other traces of a struggle.
The famous Catholic mystic and stigmatic Padre Pio experienced such memories of experiences with horribly evil beasts and invisible beings. In a small room in a house on Via Santa Maria degli Angeli (Mary of the Angels Street), darkness reigned, and nothing could be seen within arm’s reach, but they moved as if they were at home. They approached the bed where Padre Pio was sleeping. A crowd of evil figures, darker than the surrounding darkness, crowded over his head. They began to whisper something in his ear, promise, convince, persuade. After a moment, the monk jumped out of bed. He was neither surprised nor frightened, after all, they had known each other for many years.
He welcomed his night guests as always effusively; that is, he scolded them loudly, and it must be admitted that he did not mince his words, typical of mystics and saints. On the other hand, seeing that their subtle tactics of persuasion had failed, they returned to their old and well-proven methods. Some of them threw themselves at Saint Pio, knocked him to the ground and began to torment him while the rest were demolishing the friar’s cell. Books, pillows and chairs were flying in the air, and the strangers howled with joy, cursed, mocked and laughed at their victim. This is how demons can go wild over a person who is entering the path to holiness and unity with God. When all the sounds had died in the morning, Giuseppa, the friar’s mother, entered the room. She always came at the same time to check if her beloved son was still alive. Padre Pio was lying on the ground, beaten and bloody, amidst an indescribable mess. His mother helped him to bed, although she was crying, and he tried to comfort her. He asked her not to worry; he wanted to convince her that they might not reappear. He probably wanted to believe it himself, but he assumed they would come the next night. And he was never wrong.
Padre Pio spoke of the demons of hell as “villains”, “wild beasts”, “ugly faces”, and he spoke of their boss Satan in equally fanciful terms, calling him “a good-for-nothing”, “a bearded man”, “a brute”, “a bearded robber”. Where the demons come from, no one would dare call them that way because they were, after all, the sons of hell, demons, ancient, though fallen angels, and their leaders were not some good-for-nothings, but Satan and Lucifer, those who opposed Elohim God YHWH and brought about the fall of man. However, looking at how they acted, this fondness for title mania seems to be exaggerated, to say the least.
Perhaps C. S. Lewis was right when he wrote in his “Letters from the Old Devil to the Young One” that there was a personnel crisis in hell. The former sophisticated tempters, masters of intrigue, have become ordinary thugs, bandits. Nowadays, nothing works for them as well as a solid beating and torture, so they beat. Lucifer first forces people to give up the Spiritual Path with promises, persuasion and beautiful temptations. If the person practising the Mystical Path does not give in to this, then Lucek begins to use brutal methods of persuasion, threats and torture, beatings, just like the Catholic Inquisition, Gestapo or secret police. Lucifer forces people to give up the Spiritual Path, learning from a master or guru, creating various mirages, tempting and also deceiving through close people who do not accept the spiritual journey to Heaven, asceticism or meditation.
Everything that Elohim God creates is good. Evil has its source in the evil will of creatures. Such evil will have revealed itself in some spiritual beings. Satan, or the devil, Azazel, Beelzebub or Lucifer, and other demons are fallen angels, former angels who freely rejected the service of Elohim God and His plan. Their choice against Elohim God is final. They try to join man in their rebellion against Elohim God; they try to enlarge the empire of their dark influences. In a similar situation, former students or admirers of great masters, saints, and avatars are sent to Earth by God. Therefore, such demons become all those who are rejected, for example, Sathya Sai Baba, Śivananda or Vivekananda. The secret of freedom is revealed in the fact that even with great intelligence – such as is characteristic of spiritual beings – someone can choose the side of evil. This happened to some angels and deities, including Satan, Lucifer, Beelzebub, Azazel and other Asmodeuses, or Lizards, the serpentine tribe, ancient serpents, including the bastards of the demon Lilith. Elohim God created the devil and other currently evil spirits as good by nature, but they made themselves evil and wicked because of their opposition to their Creator.
The Biblical Book of Genesis teaches us that Satan’s favourite method of attacking man is through people we trust. For Adam, this was his wife, Eve (Chava), whom he greatly loved and trusted. That is why he easily accepted her persuasion to show disobedience to Elohim God YHWH. Genetics has proven that humanity comes from Seven Mothers, so Eve from the Bible is the cause of defilement for only 1/7 of the human race. Similarly, Satan tried to dissuade Yoshua, Jesus Christ, from fulfilling his saving mission. Through the supposedly good apostle Peter, he tried to convince Him that He should not follow the humble and loving path of suffering and the cross He had chosen. That is why Peter Cephas, called Simon, was met with a sharp rebuke from Jesus, who said to him: “Go away, Satan! You are a hindrance to me because you do not think of the things of God, but of the things of men” (Mt 16:23). We must recognize when evil spirits are subtly working through people who are very close to us, to lead us away from the spiritual Path and the Light. Many people are strongly tempted or dissuaded from following the Spiritual Path by people who are closest to them, in the family, by their husbands or wives, by their children, brothers, sisters, parents-in-law or their own parents.
The fact that Satan the Devil was shown in the Book of Genesis as an evil dragon, a serpent, or a type of Asmodeus contains another lesson about the tactics of Satans or Asmodeuses, evil lizards which are hiding. Although the ancient serpent, or lizard, can kill with its venom, strangle, or swallow its victim, it easily hides. It crawls silently on the ground, often unnoticed because of its shape and colour. The evil ones do something similar, the devils who attack people: they often hide, convincing their future victims that they do not exist, that they are only a creation of the human imagination, some personification of evil or natural threats to man or an archetype in the psyche. This allows them to effectively attack those who do not believe in their existence and temptations. Such people make themselves defenceless against the attacks of the forces of evil because, in the fight against dark evil, they do not see the need to seek God’s help, to use supernatural means, such as meditations of the Light, forgiveness, reconciliation, prayer, fasting on the water or offering oneself to the One and Most High God.
Mystics and spiritual travellers wandering towards the Divine Light must be courageous and resilient to endure the hardships of the path to holiness. In the earthly world, where the forces of darkness have such great influence and dominion, the fortitude of spirit and body is needed to achieve Enlightenment and Salvation. The Lords of Darkness will probably use every means to lead the Pilgrim away from his goal, from Elohim God, from Brahman or some Deity of Light. Much more than what is written here can be learned during meetings with authentic spiritual masters and life guides who come to us incarnated in human bodies from the Land of Light.
Swami Paramahansa Lalita Mohan BabaJi G.K.
SEVENTH MANDALA OF HRIDAYA SUTRAM(This publication contains only fragments of the original esoteric-hermetic Hridaya lesson. The entire material of this lesson is available in the book edition, available at workshops and trainings of tantric yoga for adepts and supporters of the Himavanti Monastic Brotherhood and Kaśmiri Śaiva – Kashmiri Shaivism.)
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