Tag: evil
Demonic Kingdom, Influence and Rule of the Lords of Darkness (103)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next The demonic influence of the dark forces of evil is real and poses a dangerous threat to our spiritual well-being, especially in politics and political ideologies. The evil spirit can tempt us but usually cannot directly affect us unless we open ourselves to his action. We should not fear Satan,…
Marana Tantra (86)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next TANTRA is a very grateful and sought-after topic in the field of spiritual and mystical knowledge, and many researchers of the Oriental Culture look in it for teachings and wisdom that are otherwise magical and esoteric, which is actually right. TANTRA has many meanings and references, and its origin is…
Wheel of Eight Sins of Perdition (83)
Previous ★★★ Index ★★★ Next 1. We have no lack of time, desire or inspiration to write our hermetic and mystical lessons, but we know well that too many do not read deeply and do not contemplate our Teachings, even though they could gain so much. We give more Spiritual Teachings when there are many…